Level Adult
Attribute Virus
Type Undead
Status Unrestricted


An Undead Digimon derived from the Dorugamon species. Undead-type Digimon are those that have had some of their vital functions and features degenerate, while still meeting the minimum requirements to be considered a Digimon. Of them all, Death-X-Dorugamon is the most degenerated, surviving only by consuming the Digicores of living Digimon to make use of their metabolizing processes. It seems to be a species that results from Death Evolution, like Bakemon, but rather than having eluded death by evolving, Death-X-Dorugamon truly die upon evolving and are made animate by a mysterious factor that preserves them in their new, cannibalistic state. This aberrant form of Death Evolution has been tentatively named Death-X Evolution after the species it affects, but without other examples to study, those that researched it were never able to fully describe or explain it.

Death-X-Dorugamon are a rare but well-known threat throughout the Digital World, and are the frequent subject of scary stories and cautionary tales, a living boogeyman for all young Digimon. Where they appear, they are considered true menaces to all Digimon species, as they require a diet of Digicores to survive and will hunt Digimon indiscriminately to acquire them. Death-X-Dorugamon appear mindless, stripped of all personality and reason beyond hunger and hunting instinct. Much of their bodies are also made up of attachments, reducing the strain on their zombie Digicores. As a result, damage to these cybernetic body parts does not recover naturally over time, and can only be repaired through outside methods or by hunting even more voraciously than normal and consuming living data, but they also seem to be impervious to pain. Death-X-Dorugamon have been individually identified by parts lost in battle, carrying injuries that would destabilize living Digimon, and it is widely known that they can only be reliably disabled by catastrophic damage to their own Digicore.

During its active years, Tamer Union research identified a small number of Death-X-Dorugamon behaving atypically, displaying moments of uncharacteristic restraint or surprising canniness. This research may suggest that Death-X-Dorugamon possess greater awareness than is apparent, or it may suggest that some members of the species are capable of developing - or retaining - greater intelligence or sense of self. The truth is unclear.


Death-X-Dorugamon are, of course, physically similar to Dorugamon, but they have exchanged intelligence for raw persistent ferocity. They locate Digimon by scent, sight, and sound, at which point they attack until they emerge triumphant or are destroyed. Like zombies, they can shrug off severe damage to their bodies, and will continue moving even if missing large chunks of themselves. Wild Death-X-Dorugamon aim straight for their prey's Digicore rather than taking them down strategically, and use their tough steel claws to puncture their texture data and expose or tear out the Digicore. The exposed wires in their bodies, particularly those in their tail, can shed electrical sparks or deliver powerful shocks on contact.

  • Metal Cast - Attacks with its steel claws in an impaling strike, attempting to punch through armor, texture, and body data.
  • Cannonball - Fires iron balls from its mouth.

Typical Size

8 feet long from nose to tail.

Sub-species and Relatives

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